Peeled potatoes – we supply the very best for your convenience products
Quick and easy – ready-peeled potatoes from Stadtmann
Ready-peeled potatoes have long been standard in commercial kitchens, canteens and catering companies. In recent years, the shift towards greater convenience in the kitchen has also reached private households. More and more consumers are now buying their potatoes ready peeled. Food retailers have now picked up on this trend and are stocking peeled potatoes as a fresh refrigerated product.
To meet this market, we draw on a wide network of growers who produce excellent potatoes suitable for commercial peeling. In so doing, we secure a market for our growers and also ensure that the peeling companies have a year-round supply of potatoes.
Do you have any questions about our ready-peeled potatoes or would like to place an order? Call me!
Christian Fockenberg
T. +49 2041 1845-47
M. +49 178 7575089